Tying Flies with CDC The Fisherman's Mircale Feather by Leon Links
Learn to tie dry flies, emergers, & nymphs with water-resistant CDC. 100+ fly patterns, including: Para-Emerger, Split-Winged Dun, Black Flying Ant, Mighty Midge, Skater Caddis & more developed by talented tiers like Rene Harrop, Tetsumi Himeno, Piet Weeda, Elie Beerten, & others. 186 color photos; 8.5x11 inches, 160 pgs.
• Learn to tie dry flies, emergers, and nymphs with water-resistant CDC
• Over 100 fly patterns
• Para-Emerger, Split-Winged Dun, Black Flying Ant, Mighty Midge, and Skater Caddis
• Patterns by Rene Harrop, Tetsumi Himeno, Piet Weeda, Elie Beerten, and others
CDC (cul-de-canard) feathers are one of the most popular fly-tying materials. CDC's water-resistant properties make it particularly useful for tying dry flies, emergers, and nymphs, especially in small sizes. Tying Flies with CDC brings together the CDC patterns and tying techniques of creative, innovative fly tiers from around the world. The book gives background on CDC, how it was used in the past and how it is used today, and details aspects of fishing with CDC flies.